When that other social media site had the audacity to suspend my privileges and send me to their Gulag I was surprised, shocked, for a day or two even angry. Above all, I was mystified, what insanity leads a business to treat customers in that manner?

I quickly forgot the incident. . . until they periodically reminded me it had to be an issue, because they kept sending me to the Gulag, and for longer sentences. I am currently doing thirty days in their Gulag.

It looks to me as if a lot of folks who use that site tolerate such treatment, and like an abusive marriage, come back for more abuse. The first time someone is abused, they are a victim. If they keep coming back for more, they become a volunteer.

Not wanting to volunteer for more abuse from Zuckerbaby, I found another place to write, I put up a free blog there and still write there. You will find this essay mirrored at if you are interested.

Addictions are hard to break. I went back to the site that abuses you for deviating from groupthink. They continue to suspend me each time I offend one of the far left’s many sacred cows.

I have been to the Gulag for ridiculing:
Michele Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
(quoted the way they use the word ‘Nigger’ among themselves –                                        truth is a big no-no for those on the left),
Bill Clinton,
Barack Obama

and. . . I am currently in the Gulag over there for comparing a certain foul-mouthed twerp claiming to be a Florida High School student to der Fuhrer.
[I compared a black & white video of him speaking to Hitler.]
That will get you 30 days in the f-barf Gulag.

It took me a while to comprehend the business model of radical left-wingers. When a conservative sees something he does not like, he simply moves away from it. When a conservative sees an opinion he disagrees with, he may challenge the validity of it, or refute fallacy with truth. One of numerous ways to point out the stupidity of your adversaries is mock them with humor. For example:

Some leftie posted an article where Michele Obummer was claimed to be a very sexy woman. I wrote, rather sarcastically, when she walks through a zoo, the gorillas get an erection. That was deleted and I got seven days in the f-barf Gulag.

Those on the far left, which includes all of Zuckerbabys censors, think differently from normal human beings. Conservatives just don’t read things they disagree with. Lefties deny freedom of speech to people they disagree with.

The tactic, in person, is to interrupt and shout them down. If necessary, riot around the venue where they have been invited to speak, as we saw in Berkeley, California.

If they are on the air, harass their sponsors, file lawsuits, and generally emulate Nazi tactics to shut down free speech by anyone who disagrees with you. On social media they are just arrogant enough to believe sending the likes of Dean Allen to the f-barf Gulag will control my speech.

Like Sean Hannity, I fight back. My days are numbered on that other social media venue. When I get back there, sooner or later, I will be banished again. However, I refuse to conform to the leftie groupthink they misname ‘community standards.’ I will be a man on a mission.

I built my network and following to the 5,000 limit they impose, adding most of those in the past year. Now, I will be working just as industriously to move as many of those as possible here to MeWe.

We counter the left’s lies with truth. They try to shout us down, or censor those they disagree with. A friend said:


The Lord blessed me with the ability to write. Writing the truth is one way an old man like me can still serve his country. America needs honest voices now more than ever. I will not be silenced. I built a substantial network in that other venue, and I will do it again here.

My friends are welcome to copy and post this essay. Please just credit me.

[As a word of caution, DO NOT post this on that other venue – they hate the truth and you will go to their Gulag.]

In the Facebarf Gulag

I knew Moslems, Negroes, Obamas, Clinton’s, were all protected by the far left “community standards” of the punks at facebarf. I have been in their Gulag five previous times.

I just got sentenced to 30 days because I compared David Hogg to Hitler. I now know, you can’t do that on facebarf.

I have deleted everything on my facebarf page except several posts I made about how unfair their censorship is. I now have exactly 5,000 friends there. This is an IQ test, to see which of those friends are smart enough to figure out I am in facebarf’s Gulag once again, and join me here, or on

I cannot post on my fb page. I have it set up where you can’t either. However, you can still post comments to things I have posted. I would appreciate it if one of you would comment on one of my posts and let my friends know they can communicate with me on or here.

Facebarf has a really dumb business model. . . intentionally pissing off customers. Actually, I am more amused than anything else. They are forcing me to break my fb addiction, move to more free platforms, and spend more time on productive writing.

[I love talking to my friends and discussing important issues. However, I actually do writing offline that earns me a living.]

Happy Easter everyone!

Best Wishes,

Dean Allen


1917 Outside Moscow, two socialists are walking along a dirt road in Russia, talking politics. It is just before the Bolshevik revolution:

IVAN: Comrade! Comes the glorious people’s revolution, if you have two fine mansions, will you sell one, and give the money to the people?
IGOR: You know I would Comrade! I am a good socialist.

IVAN: Comrade! Comes the glorious people’s revolution, if you have two fine limousines, will you sell one, and give the money to the people?
IGOR: You know I would Comrade! I am a good socialist.

IVAN: Comrade! Comes the glorious people’s revolution, if you have two pigs, will you…
IGOR: Wait just a minute Comrade; I actually HAVE two pigs!

Fast forward to 2009. The socialists have our White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. They enact the most radical dystopian revolution since Russia circa 1917.

In short order, they control higher education, medical care, energy production, throw open the borders, dominate the media, preach the gospel of global warming, and institutionalize racism against white people.

The economy tanks, health care costs skyrocket, race relations sour, street crime soars, aliens dominate the workforce, learning plummets, terrorism spikes; and the mass media blames it all on poor, bumbling, George W. Bush for the next eight years.

Fast forward to November 8, 2016 the people stage a counter revolution! We are taking our streets back, nobody believes the fake media any more, The bulls are running on Wall Street. Our president puts America first again… tells cops & soldiers “I have your six.” The American people swell with pride, hope, and patriotism, once more.

The left has plummeted from the absolute pinnacle of power, their numbers are in a free fall, and in desperation, they have embraced street violence, false claims of racism. They cling desperately to the rather strange lie, the Russians influenced our election.

Folks who once blindly followed the left, now want the better life president Trump is leading the way toward. They are starting to tell Soros, Schumer, Clinton, and Obama…

“Wait a minute, I HAVE two pigs! And, I want to own a whole herd of them…”


“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” 
[with pseudepigraphical misattribution to George Orwell]

There are three things most Americans do not like to do –

Tell the truth.
Hear the truth.
Defend the truth.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Problem is, most folks do not want to hear the truth, because knowing the truth makes them very uncomfortable. Particularly if they are unwilling to defend the truth once it is known.

The natural human tendency is to seek comfort, not truth. Seeking the truth is hard work. Seeking the truth is that path less traveled. Telling the truth gets you socially ostracized… including here on face book where censors often send us to what some euphemistically call ‘jail’ for the crime of telling the truth.

Sadly, face book merely reflects the wider culture that has embraced and promoted lies until they become the social norm. The truth is both inconvenient and unpopular.

Tell the truth and the world will beat a path to your door… by torch light… carrying pitchforks, tar and feathers. Yes, truth is uncomfortable, inconvenient and very unpopular.

George Will has belittled Rev. Billy Graham for lacking theological depth. Billy’s real crime against the liberal powers that be was his audacity to lift one small corner of the tent containing the truth.

Donald Trump is castigated as shallow, boorish, racist, reactionary, crude, misogynistic, and consumed with a multiplicity of phobias, because he dared to enter the tent of truth.

Tell the truth and you are a social misfit denied acceptance into polite society, admission to the hallowed halls of higher education, or upon occasion, access to this very forum on face book.

Next time you notice I am gone; it will once more be for the sin of telling the truth.It is a bad habit I just can’t seem to shake.

I will have once more acknowledged intellectual differences between races.

Physical differences based upon gender. (In fact, in today’s world acknowledging gender itself becomes a crime.)

I may have ridiculed the ‘religion’ that tells a mentally retarded boy all his masturbatory fantasies will be fulfilled in the afterlife if only he will strap on a suicide vest. (Again, today even noticing mental retardation exists gets you excoriated by militant apologists for mediocrity.)

Last time I was banished, it was for revealing members of a certain race regularly eat dogs in the land of their nativity.

If you covet fame, glory, access, accolades, or simply comfort and acceptance; learn to embrace the euphemisms for lies. Tell the world you are ‘Politically Correct’ accept ‘Community Standards’ and embrace degenerate behavior.

When you tire of school shootings, drug overdoses, cities burning, suicides and the underclasses biting the hand that feeds them… remember that telling the truth is now a revolutionary act – whether George Orwell actually said it or not.

Gun Control Kills Innocent People

The mantra of the political left is “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Today in Florida a 19 year old registered Democrat, with social media connections to ANTIFA, shot up a public school he had been expelled from. He killed at least 17 people and wounded numerous others… some seriously.

The Democrats were dancing on the graves of those 17 dead even before the bodies were cold this morning. Democrat politicians rushed for the TV cameras, like a badelynge of ducks swimming toward a child throwing stale bread in the lake.

They said the Florida shooting indicates we need to scrap the 2nd Amendment, so they can impose a bunch of draconian gun-grab laws. This knucklehead in Florida violated at least fifty counts of gun control laws that are already on the books. Start with over a dozen counts of first degree murder. Murder carries the death penalty in Florida.

I have really tried to understand the kind of mental illness that makes liberals believe if there was just one more gun law, this kid would have obeyed it. Why would that be so? Would the new law provide for the death penalty to be carried out in some new and particularly gruesome manner? Perhaps they could repeal the 8th Amendment, at the same time they gut the 2nd, so murderers can be boiled in oil or peradventure drawn & quartered.

In the final analysis, there is not one single gun control law that can be passed which will make future mass killings the least bit less frequent or more difficult. Can’t buy a weapon legally? No sweat. Forty percent of the guns used in crimes today are stolen, not purchased anyway.

Know the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun! It really is that simple.

That’s right, guns save lives when they are in the hands of law abiding citizens. Arming teachers will save lives during school shootings. In fact, if most teachers were armed, these cowards would not come on campus in the first place.

No matter how well intended they may have been, gun free zones have gotten hundreds of people killed in dozens of school shootings.

These problems were not caused by guns and they will not be fixed by gun laws. Actions have consequences. America kicked God out of our public schools in 1963 and today… many of those schools are hell.

Adios facebook

Once again, I have been banned from facebook.

This time it was because I mentioned how Koreans regularly eat dogs. Evidently telling the truth about that once again violates the left’s so called community standards. Once again, in spite of my best efforts to weed them out, some weasel spy among my presumed “friends” has reported me to the thought police.

If you read this and you and I are friends on facebook, please post on my timeline that I am in facebook jail and direct those interested to my page here. This may, or may not, be my permanent replacement for facebook.

As for the fact they eat dogs… I was there and it is true. They fed me some (without me knowing it was dog.) This is not racism, not a rumor, it is a fact I have known since I was an 18 year old soldier guarding the DMZ in 1969.

I have about had it with facebook censorship. I was spending too much time there anyway. Perhaps without knowing it, facebook is actually helping me break the habit of spending too much time there. I now have more time to work on my new book and other things that may make me a living.


Dean Allen


Let’s face some basic facts about the state of the USA in 2018. The Democrat Party hates all white people and everything we ever created, including the constitution.

The Democrats lost three of the last four general elections in the USA. They have only one shot at ever hoping to win another national election… keep the borders wide open, flood the country with illegal aliens, then give those criminal alien invaders the vote.

Indians once ruled this land as we do now. To this day we recognize them as separate nations and do not allow them to vote or require them to pay taxes.

Therefore I have a modest compromise to propose to the Democrats. You can keep the borders wide open and make 50 million aliens voting citizens. Provided you put us white boys on a reservation, send us a generous check every month, and exempt us from paying federal income taxes.

Oh, I also want to be able to take mob money and open a casino on my reservation, so all my buddies and I can get rich.

Heap Big Chief Dean
Upstate Band Of
Carolina Gringo/Honkeys

Every Tool Has A Purpose

Pundits lament the downward slide of the stock market. Politicians brag when it goes back up. Brokers tell you to buy or sell because that is the way they earn commissions, whether you make money or not.

Here is the real fact you need to understand about the stock market. It is a financial tool. Every tool is designed for a specific purpose. The intended purpose of the stock market is to allow businesses raise capital from the public.

The value of each of the stocks that comprise the average is actually what the free market determines about each individual business. When you buy stocks you own a piece of the underlying business.

Generalizations and platitudes about the market as a whole… are just that. When you buy stocks and hold them long term you generally make money. When you get in and out of the market short term, it is extremely difficult to turn a profit. People who do that, like other gamblers, tend to brag about the times they guessed the direction of the market, while forgetting the times they guessed wrong.

The overall trend since President Trump was inaugurated has been up. The policies of the government are conducive to economic growth. Expect that to continue for the next seven years. Do not read much into the daily fluctuations of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.


My advice on stocks is the same as St. Paul’s advice on women… leave them alone!

BlueSky CoinCon

Friends, have you been looking for a financial opportunity? Do you need to benefit from a get rich quick scheme? Some friends and I have been looking for the right “opportunity.” We have hit on it!

The BlueSky CoinCon is that perfect opportunity! You can literally sit back and let your personal computer, cell phone, or even your dog, mine the blue from the sky while you are asleep.

There are lots of reasons you may want to join the BlueSky CoinCon right now:

  • The blue from the sky is an infinity renewable resource. No matter how much you mine, there is always more.
  • The blue from the sky exists all over the world so no government or central bank can regulate or control it.
  • We have invented some meaningless, avant garde, vocabulary to impress all your friends when you let them get in too.
  • There is a network, M-L-M, opportunity if you want to share BlueSky CoinCon with your friends.
  • This is a ground floor opportunity because I just invented BlueSky CoinCon.

Here’s how it works. You buy a blockhead chain to wear on any part of your body, while the computer program you also download from me, mines the blue from the sky for you. If you don’t want your friends to know you are a blue baby, or that you have the blues, just wear your blockhead chain concealed under your clothing.

With our computer program, your desktop PC can actually mine the blue from the sky in other time zones all over the world while you are sleeping. Next month we are going to release BlueSky CoinCon version 2.3 that will also work on laptops, cell phones, I-pads and even manual typewriters. Be the first blockhead in your blue baby group to download version 2.3.

Any time you want to enjoy having the blues, just send us some silver for BlueSky CoinCon version 1.0 and remember the Bilderbergers cannot confiscate your blue sky because it does not actually exist!


For those of you who think this will not work… millions of people have already fallen for something similar but even stupider.